Топ предприемачът от САЩ Майкъл Марвин e лектор в магистърската програма по предприемачество на Варненски свободен университет. Вижте разговорът му с репортера Десислава Кръстева в предаването "Тази събота и неделя" на bTV.
This is one of the most prospective master program now! The duration of this master program is 2 semesters
( one year ) with blended mode of study.
Description: The Master in Entrepreneurship (MiE) Program is a two-semester graduate-level academic program for active professionals and entrepreneurs from Bulgaria and the CEE region. In mid- to long-term the Program will seek to expand and include Turkey and the Middle East. The Program is designed to develop entrepreneurial mindset and shape skills needed for effective initiation, and execution of entrepreneurial projects across different contexts: business, social services, art, sciences, politics, etc.
Mission: To inject entrepreneurship into the DNA of students from CEE (and the broader target region) by activating their entrepreneurial potential and innovation-oriented culture equipping them to execute impactful entrepreneurial projects across market, non-business and social contexts.
Vision: The Program will be the leading and most impactful program activating the entrepreneurial potential and enhancing the skillset of aspiring entrepreneurs in the CEE region, and contributing to the stronger positioning of the region’s vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems.
✓ Be a state of the art program designed and executed according to leading cutting-edge thinking principles in entrepreneurship and business education;
✓ Be a program of regional significance impacting the entrepreneurial potential of young professionals across CEE countries;
✓ Enable the forming of a powerful knowledge network creating a growing community of proactive entrepreneurially-minded professionals eager to impact the socio-economic success of CEE countries;
✓ Contribute to the lifting of Bulgaria and CEE countries from the bottom of the EU in terms of economic development by keeping talent (and their businesses) at home and enabling them to market their products and services across borders.
The Program will be grounded on the philosophy that entrepreneurship can be taught and disciplined on the basis of combining the delivery of knowledge from specific areas relevant to any entrepreneur, training of specific soft skills that enable the navigation of expected steps and challenges in the entrepreneurial process, and hands-on learning experiences that are designed around real-world entrepreneurial ventures.
Below is a preliminary program structure for the Program proposed on the basis of comparative analysis of leading academic programs in entrepreneurship and knowledge about the specifics and existing needs of the ecosystems in the CEE region. Emphasis is placed on gradual understanding of the fundamental principles of business thinking, market culture and innovation.
The Program will be designed around the contemporary thinking about effective business and entrepreneurship education emphasizing the building of fundamental knowledge, shaping of specific personal and professional skills, and engagement in experiential learning that prepares students for navigating their ideas through an effective entrepreneurial process. To achieve this the program will consists of three fundamental pillar elements the combination of which will produce powerful enabling effect and lead to gradual upgrade of the entrepreneurial mindset of students.
The three pillar elements are:
1) Classical courseware – delivering fundamental knowledge in areas that are relevant for successful entrepreneurship such as law for entrepreneurs and managers; accounting; fundamentals of business strategy; marketing principles; leadership and finance.
2) Facilitated experiential learning – shaping targeted soft skills identified as essential for successful team building and customer satisfaction and guiding students through an interactive, disciplined process of planning, preparing and executing an entrepreneurial project.
3) Inspirational real-life storytelling – presenting first-hand real-life stories of entrepreneurs, many of whom shared the same national and cultural background as the MiE students, revealing the ups and downs in their personal experience of initiating, leading, failing and succeeding with new ventures and social initiatives in similar national.
Happy Students
World Wide Top Mentors
World Wide Top Lecturers
A brilliant career
We are providing you a few fast steps for applying to the Master Degree Program of "ENTREPRENEURSHIP". Please follow them and you will see how fast and easy you could become a part of one of the most valuable program, created because of the partnership between Varna Free University and Bulgarian Entrepreneur Center.
Semester Tution Fee: BGN 2200 (the very best of the candidates can win a scholarship)
You can apply until the 20th of January 2020
If you are interested about the partnership between the university and the BEC organization, please feel free to take a look to the news section below.
Топ предприемачът от САЩ Майкъл Марвин e лектор в магистърската програма по предприемачество на Варненски свободен университет. Вижте разговорът му с репортера Десислава Кръстева в предаването "Тази събота и неделя" на bTV.
"Имате блестящи млади хора, насърчавайте ги!", каза топ предприемачът от САЩ Майкъл Марвин пред журналиста вестник "Труд" (бр. № 112, 15 май 2019, с. 12-13.) Майкъл Марвин е лектор в Магистърската програма "Предприемачество" на Варненски свободен университет "Черноризец Храбър" и Българския център по предприемачество. Програмата пренасе в България най-добрите практики на лектори от Силициевата долина, както и богатия опит на световно известни предприемачи, постигнали впечатляващи резултати...
A tripartite agreement on understanding and cooperation will be signed between Varna Free University Chernorizets Hrabar, the Bulgarian Entrepreneurship Centre Foundation and the InterCulture Foundation of the US Financial Advisor and Investment Manager Larry Biehl. The document will launch a wide range of activities, including the start of a master's degree programme in entrepreneurship with lecturers from Silicon Valley.
Its mission is to help Bulgarians develop an entrepreneurial ecosystem whereby programs are formed to educate, mentor, fund, and service entrepreneurial endeavors, on an all-inclusive basis, and thereby promote prosperity through economic development. In short, BEC Foundation works to inject entrepreneurial attitudes and skill sets into the Bulgarian DNA in order to inspire and enable people to prosper and serve their community.
A tripartite agreement on understanding and cooperation was signed between Varna Free University Chernorizets Hrabar, the Bulgarian Entrepreneurship Centre Foundation and the InterCulture Foundation of the US Financial Advisor and Investment Manager Larry Biehl. The document launched a wide range of activities, including the start of a master's degree programme in entrepreneurshipwith lecturers from Silicon Valley.
The lecturers of VFU has a lot of experiences in different fields as: StartUps, Accelerators, Hackathons etc. Take a look at the gallery to understand our activities ...
For any questions, please feel free to contact us, by the best preferred channel by you! We will be glad to have you in the next class of super entrepreneurs!